CREATE TABLE attributes ( fid serial NOT NULL, char_field "char", bigint_field bigint, boolean_field boolean, character_field character, character_varying_field character varying, date_field date, double_precision_field double precision, integer_field integer, numeric_field numeric, text_field text, timestamp_with_time_zone_field timestamp with time zone, time_without_time_zone_field time without time zone, uuid_field uuid, citext_field citext, PRIMARY KEY (fid) ); SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('attributes','polygon',0,'POLYGON',2); -- Insert first row with all columns filled: INSERT INTO attributes(char_field , bigint_field , boolean_field , character_field , character_varying_field , date_field , double_precision_field , integer_field , numeric_field , text_field , timestamp_with_time_zone_field , time_without_time_zone_field , uuid_field , citext_field , polygon) VALUES ('g' , 123456789 , true , 'h' , 'Hello world' , now()::date , 12345.678 , 1234 , 564 , 'This is a lot of text' , now()::timestamp with time zone , now()::timestamp without time zone , md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text)::uuid , 'This is a citext text field, which means CaSe-InSeNsItIvE' , st_geomfromtext('POLYGON((1049316.400009 7475364.7444164,1057390.0611206 7475364.7444164,1057390.0611206 7478708.8644036,1049316.400009 7478708.8644036, 1049316.400009 7475364.7444164))')); -- Insert second row with only the polygon filled and the rest the default values: INSERT INTO attributes(polygon) VALUES (st_geomfromtext('POLYGON((1049316.400009 7475364.7444164,1057390.0611206 7475364.7444164,1057390.0611206 7478708.8644036,1049316.400009 7478708.8644036, 1049316.400009 7475364.7444164))')); -- INSERT INTO attributes(char_field , bigint_field , boolean_field , character_field , character_varying_field , date_field , double_precision_field , integer_field , numeric_field , text_field , timestamp_with_time_zone_field , time_without_time_zone_field , uuid_field , citext_field , polygon) VALUES (NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL);